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Pix aus der Werkstatt

01 first view

01 first view

02 front

02 front

03 hocker

03 hocker

04 hocker

04 hocker

05 hocker

05 hocker

VR266 (1)

VR266 (1)

VR266 (2)

VR266 (2)

VR266 (20)

VR266 (20)

VR266 (21)

VR266 (21)

VR266 (22)

VR266 (22)

VR266 (23)

VR266 (23)

VR266 (24)

VR266 (24)

VR266 (25)

VR266 (25)

VR266 (26)

VR266 (26)

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VR266 (27)

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VR266 (28)

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VR266 (3)

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VR266 (31)

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VR266 (32)

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VR266 (33)

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VR266 (34)

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VR266 (35)

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VR266 (36)

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VR266 (37)

VR266 (38)

VR266 (38)

VR266 (39)

VR266 (39)

VR266 (4)

VR266 (4)

VR266 (40)

VR266 (40)

VR266 (41)

VR266 (41)

Start Herbst 2018: Projekt G266 ist die Umsetzung des Gartenkunstprojektes "Lifetime Europe" der Künstlergruppe "Haus am Gern" (CH) als virtueller Begehung- und Begegnungsraum.

Umsetzung mit Photogrammetrie und 3D-Scans der realen Umgebung.

Realisiert wird das Projekt mit geschichts- und profitfreier Freeware wie der Unreal Engine und verschiedener Open Source Software - Blender (3D), Gimp (Photobearbeitung) etc.


November, Dezember 2018: Fotografien, Texturen. Vermessung, GoogleMaps-Import mit Sketch-Up

Januar 2019: Prototyping in Unreal Engine

Februar: Erste Texturen, HDR-Skydome-Entwurf

März 2019: Erste Objekte in Blender erstellt (Front und Hocker), Apfelbaum

April 2019: Photogrammetrie - Aufnahmen im Garten, Texturen und Meshes für die Fassaden und Gehwege, Prototyp Skybox

Mai 2019: Meshes und Texturen für Zäune und Gehwege eingefügt (Beta)

Pressemitteilung "Haus am Gern" :

yminus-Levy Gotham Rozman - Inkart

yminus-Levy Gotham Rozman - Inkart

George Soros - Procreate - coloured

George Soros - Procreate - coloured

George Soros - Procreate bw

George Soros - Procreate bw

George Soros - Vector 01

George Soros - Vector 01

Il Papa Francesco - Procreate

Il Papa Francesco - Procreate

Insomnia - Procreate - yminus

Insomnia - Procreate - yminus

Lady Ewald - Procreate - after Max Koner - yminus

Lady Ewald - Procreate - after Max Koner - yminus

Mika - Comic character 01 - yminus

Mika - Comic character 01 - yminus

Mika - Comic character 02 -Procreate - yminusjpg

Mika - Comic character 02 -Procreate - yminusjpg

Clouds - Background study - Procreate - yminus

Clouds - Background study - Procreate - yminus

Mika - Comic character 03 - yminusjpg

Mika - Comic character 03 - yminusjpg

Old cowboy - Procreate - yminus

Old cowboy - Procreate - yminus

Posterart - Cinderella - Procreate -yminus

Posterart - Cinderella - Procreate -yminus

Posterart - Detail Cinderella Movie - yminus

Posterart - Detail Cinderella Movie - yminus

Rio the wandering mouse - Book Cover - Procreate - yminus

Rio the wandering mouse - Book Cover - Procreate - yminus

Robogirl - Procreate - yminus

Robogirl - Procreate - yminus

yminus-CR7 - Christiano Ronaldo - Procreate

yminus-CR7 - Christiano Ronaldo - Procreate

Mika - Comic character study 04 - yminus

Mika - Comic character study 04 - yminus

Bea - a drawing with crosshatches only

Bea - a drawing with crosshatches only

  • yminus-Levy Gotham Rozman - Inkart
  • George Soros - Procreate - coloured
  • George Soros - Procreate bw
  • George Soros - Vector 01
  • Il Papa Francesco - Procreate
  • Insomnia - Procreate - yminus
  • Lady Ewald - Procreate - after Max Koner - yminus
  • Mika - Comic character 01 - yminus
  • Mika - Comic character 02 -Procreate - yminusjpg
  • Clouds - Background study - Procreate - yminus
  • Mika - Comic character 03 - yminusjpg
  • Old cowboy - Procreate - yminus
  • Posterart - Cinderella - Procreate -yminus
  • Posterart - Detail Cinderella Movie - yminus
  • Rio the wandering mouse - Book Cover - Procreate - yminus
  • Robogirl - Procreate - yminus
  • yminus-CR7 - Christiano Ronaldo - Procreate
  • Mika - Comic character study 04 - yminus
  • Bea - a drawing with crosshatches only
  • yminus-Levy Gotham Rozman - Inkart

  • George Soros - Procreate - coloured

  • George Soros - Procreate bw

  • George Soros - Vector 01

  • Il Papa Francesco - Procreate

  • Insomnia - Procreate - yminus

  • Lady Ewald - Procreate - after Max Koner - yminus

  • Mika - Comic character 01 - yminus

  • Mika - Comic character 02 -Procreate - yminusjpg

  • Clouds - Background study - Procreate - yminus

  • Mika - Comic character 03 - yminusjpg

  • Old cowboy - Procreate - yminus

  • Posterart - Cinderella - Procreate -yminus

  • Posterart - Detail Cinderella Movie - yminus

  • Rio the wandering mouse - Book Cover - Procreate - yminus

  • Robogirl - Procreate - yminus

  • yminus-CR7 - Christiano Ronaldo - Procreate

  • Mika - Comic character study 04 - yminus

  • Bea - a drawing with crosshatches only

  • yminus-Levy Gotham Rozman - Inkart
  • George Soros - Procreate - coloured
  • George Soros - Procreate bw
  • George Soros - Vector 01
  • Il Papa Francesco - Procreate
  • Insomnia - Procreate - yminus
  • Lady Ewald - Procreate - after Max Koner - yminus
  • Mika - Comic character 01 - yminus
  • Mika - Comic character 02 -Procreate - yminusjpg
  • Clouds - Background study - Procreate - yminus
  • Mika - Comic character 03 - yminusjpg
  • Old cowboy - Procreate - yminus
  • Posterart - Cinderella - Procreate -yminus
  • Posterart - Detail Cinderella Movie - yminus
  • Rio the wandering mouse - Book Cover - Procreate - yminus
  • Robogirl - Procreate - yminus
  • yminus-CR7 - Christiano Ronaldo - Procreate
  • Mika - Comic character study 04 - yminus
  • Bea - a drawing with crosshatches only

  • 1
  • 2
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